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Lewis Legacy Project: English 11: Day 5

Lewis Legacy Project

Inspire Others to Take Action with March: Book 3

Day 5 Lesson: March: Book 3

Pages 191 - 246 Today's reading takes place over a span of 5 months between March 7, 1965 - August 6, 1965

Day 5: Lewis Legacy Project Begins!


  1. Read Aloud Time: 30 minutes (pages 191 - 246)
  2. Discuss & reflect
  3. Complete the survey - embedded below

Discussion Questions:

1. Among the freedoms citizens are given in the Bill of Rights in our Constitution, is the freedom to peacefully assemble.  Time and time again, Civil Rights protesters assembled peacefully but were arrested and charged with “unlawful assembly” (p. 198 ex. from today’s reading). Think about today and times when large groups assemble (meet) for a wide variety of purposes.

  • Think about the world today.  How many places in the United States and the world can you name where people are taking to the streets in protest?
  • In Hong Kong, Jails filling up with dissidents
    • This article comes from Gale: Opposing Viewpoints
    • Username: welcome
  • What causes would you risk being arrested and jailed for? 

2. In his effort to have the Voting Rights Act of 1965 passed, President Lyndon Johnson told the nation, “There is no Negro problem.  There is no Southern problem.  There is no Northern problem. There is only an American problem.”  (pps. 169, 222-224, 242)

  • What do you think President Johnson meant and why do you think he used those words to encourage the passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965? 

Capturing our Thoughts & Questions

After completing your reading of March: Book 3, what questions do you have for the author or illustrator?  As a school we will be reaching out to the creators to share our thoughts and experiences reading their work.  Share yours using the form below or linked here: