Pages 4 - 35
Discuss before reading: As juniors you are considered leaders at John Lewis High School. Leaders are asked to inspire others to take action. March: Book Three will introduce to you many brave and inspiring Civil Rights leaders each of whom had their own unique leadership style.
As you read March: Book Three, consider keeping track of who inspires you and think about why the movement had so many differing ideas about leadership. Discuss after reading: 1. Discuss the contrast between the response of Martin Luther King, Jr., Diane Nash and John Lewis following the bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church. (pps 17-20, 26 - 35)
2. March: Book Three will also introduce you to powerful people in leadership roles who feel threatened by the Civil Rights Movement. For example, on page 18, Lewis recalls “ … [Alabama] Governor George Wallace had started his term declaring ‘Segregation Forever,’ and two weeks before the bombing [at the 16th Street Baptist Church], he was quoted in the paper saying, ‘What this country needs is a few first-class funerals.”
3. Throughout The March Trilogy there are quick transitions between the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960’s and the 2009 Inauguration of President Barack Obama (example pps 20 - 21).