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Lewis Legacy Project: English 11: Day 2

Lewis Legacy Project

Inspire Others to Take Action with March: Book 3

Day 2 Lesson: March: Book 3

Pages 36 - 85, today's reading takes place over an 8 month span of time - 10/7/1963 - 7/2/1964

Day 2: Reading graphic novels


  1. Review the parts of a graphic novel
  2. Read Aloud Time: 30 minutes (pages 36 - 85)

Discussion Questions:

1. Page through today's pages and find an example when the words and illustrations are working together to successfully convey events, mood and themes.  

  • What makes this excerpt feel successful and balanced?

2. On page 63, Lewis speaks publicly saying, “...Registering to vote is an act of commitment to the American ideal.  It is patriotic.  The federal government must decide whether it wants to let southern Negroes register.  It must make that choice this summer - or make us all witnesses to the lynching of democracy.” 

  • Discuss what Lewis means when he says the denial of the Black right to vote is a “lynching of democracy.” Discuss his choice of words and the intent behind them.
  • Why were equal rights for all adult voters so critical to the Civil Rights Movement? Why was there so much opposition?

3. Today’s reading ends with the signing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (p.85).  At the time, the majority of the United States considered the Civil Rights Act of 1964 an inspiring piece of legislation that moved our country closer to fulfilling its ideals as stated in the constitution and the Bill or Rights.  

  • On the day it was signed, why did John Lewis feel differently?  
  • How do you feel about the Civil Rights Act of 1964?