In this lesson students will learn about pixels and how they function. They will decipher a pixel art code, create their own pixel art and share their code with other students to decipher. This lesson teaches students how computers process images and decoding skills. Students will also become familiar with the following vocabulary terms:
Supplies Needed for Lesson:
-colored pencils (or markers or crayons for students to use)
Paper Response Form (Give to students at the end of lesson. Please collect responses and return them to the library or librarian mailbox)
Lesson Steps:
1) Watch both videos with students.
2) Share the example below with class. Note that the coordinates list (columns, row).
3) Pass out pixel worksheet and drawing supplies to students.
4) have students begin by decoding the pixel art on the worksheet.
5) When students have completed decoding the pixel art they can then move on to design their own creations.
6) Ask students to make sure to write the coordinates (the code) for their art. When they have completed the code students can cut or carefully tear off the code coordinates from the art of their original designs.
7) Students will then exchange their coordinates to 2 other students (first one exchange, then a 2nd exchange). They will then test if they can a) accurately decode pixel code (by replicating the image with the code) and b) checking that the code they created was accurate and reproducible.
8) Original pixel art can be displayed in the classroom or sent to the library to be part of a pixel art display.
9) When done, have students complete the exit ticket. Return completed exit tickets to the library.
Introductory Video: What is a pixel and how did it come about? (4 minutes)