In groups students will play a game. One student will act as "game master" while the other players play the game and try to figure out the rules along the way. This lesson teaches computational thinking, pattern recognition and algorithms. Students will become familiar with the following vocabulary:
Or you can print these dice and have students make them (must be cut out and taped)
Lesson Steps:
1) Watch both videos with students.
2) Divide students into groups of 4-5.
3) Pass out the game boards and dice to groups. If the dice needs to be assembled (from printable), ask students to do so.
4) Designate one group member as the "game master." Give the game master the game master sheet (folded in half to keep game rules a secret from group members).
5) Explain that students will play the game. Each player will take turns, rolling the dice 3 times in a row. The game master will then tell them what to do. The students will use pattern recognition and decoding skills to determine the rules (or the algorithm) of the game. The first player in each group to decode the game correctly wins!
6) When done, have students complete the exit ticket. Return completed exit tickets to the library.