Database Research Steps
Step 1: Find your god or goddess in 2 or more of the databases (listed below)
Start with FactCite.
Follow the directions on your checklist to search for an article.
Step 2: Cite your FactCite article
Locate the citation for your article and follow the directions to add it to Noodletools.
Step 3: Select either the Britannica or ABC-CLIO database
(needed when using a library database when not in school) |
Video #3: Searching & Citing in FactCite |
Select EITHER the Britannica or ABC-CLIO Database |
Select 1 of these databases to search for your Greek god or godess.
Watch the appropriate video on how to search for an article in that database and cite it in Noodletools.
Video #4: Searching & Citing in Britannica |
Video #5: Searching & Citing in ABC-CLIO |