Students at HL and SL collaboratively create and present an original piece of theatre
- Length: 13 - 15 minutes
- Presented to a target audience from a starting point selected by the ensemble
Each student will:
- Prepare and submit a process portfolio (15 pg. max) which documents
- individual approaches and skills
- why the ensemble selected the starting point
- how the group worked together and your individual contribution to the process
- Video recording (4 min max)
- supports the process portfolio
- video is selected from the unedited video recording of the created theatre piece
Perspective - all students approach this task in the role of collaborative creators of original theatre within an ensemble.
Aim - the aim of this task is for students to
- participate in the collaborative process of creating an original theatre piece for presentation
- examine and research processes of collaboratively creating original pieces of theatre
- examine their own skills and approaches
- analyze their contributions, artistic choices and contributions to the collaborative process of creating and staging a piece of original theatre.
Understandings – through this exploration students will understand:
- The importance of research to inspire and develop an original theatre piece from a starting point and the nature of collaboration in theatre.
- The artistic processes and skills necessary to collaboratively create original theatre and how these are realized in production
- The impact of their individual contributions and artistic choices.