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2016-2025 IB Extended Essay: Home

Class of 2026 Extended Essay Timeline for Non-Science Topics
3rd quarter
Junior year
(Jan 30 - March 28)
  • Candidate introduced to the Extended Essay (Requirements, Subject Guidance, Process, Rubric)
  • Candidate selects a subject & topic to investigate and research
  • Candidate conducts initial (background information) research
  • Begins  to develop notecards & bibliography
  • Candidate meets with EE Supervisor
  • Candidate develops a research question & has it approved by the EE Coordinator & EE Supervisor
  • Candidate and supervisor review and complete the 1st entry for the Reflection on Planning and Progress form (RPPF).  Reflections are submitted to Schoology
  • Parents will receive notification of progress
4th quarter
Junior year
(April 2- June 11)
  • Candidate conducts extensive reading & research (scholarly sources) & develops: notecards. Bibliography and outline

    • Due by May 19

  • Candidate meets with supervisor to review well-developed outline & bibliography.

    • Conferencing end of May

  • Timed writing of the rough draft of the extended essay in TOK

    • May 27

  • Parents will receive notification of progress


It is recommended that students attend at least 1 of the summer workshop days.

  • June 12 & 13 (more information to come)

Ultimate goal: Upload a complete, polished draft of the extended essay

  • Draft must include: in-text citations, a works cited page, title page, table of contents, and a clear argument and/or analysis.  

1st  quarter
Senior year
(Aug. - Oct.)

Due Monday, September 15 (school starts on August 19)

  • Candidate uploads a complete, polished draft of the extended essay to Turnitin via Schoology.
  • This draft must include: in-text citations, a works cited page, title page, table of contents, and a clear argument and/or analysis.  
  • Essay must be between 3,500 - 4,000 words

By mid October

  • Candidate meets with your supervisor for the Rough Draft Conference (formal meeting)
  • Complete 2nd  entry for the Reflection on Planning and Progress form (RPPF). Reflections are uploaded in Schoology
  • Candidate meets with EE coordinator for formatting conference
2nd quarter
Senior year
(Nov. - Dec.)
Due Tuesday November 11
  • Candidate uploads a final draft of the Extended Essay to Turnitin via Schoology
  • Viva Voce (exit interview) with supervisor and EE coordinator
  • Candidate uploads the 3rd Reflection in Schoology
Class of 2026 Extended essay timeline for science topics
3rd quarter
Junior year
(Jan 30 - March 28)

Due March 21

  • Candidate selects a subject & potential topics to investigate (based on availability of science equipment) 

  • Candidate meets with a science teacher to approve the topic & brainstorm potential Research Question

  • Candidate researches the protocol, safety and/or procedure to test RQ & background of the scientific theory

Due by April 11 (before spring break)

  • Candidate meets with EE Supervisor to finalize research question, perform a trial run of the experiment & plan for data collection

  • Candidate and EE supervisor review and complete the 1st entry for the Reflection on Planning and Progress form (RPPF). Reflections are uploaded in Google Classroom

Parents will receive notification of progress

4th quarter
Junior year
(April 2 - June 11

Due by April 28

  • Candidate collects RAW data by completing their experiment (setting will be determined during the approval process with EE supervisor) 
  • Finalize: notecards & bibliography
  • Candidate meets with EE supervisor to review data and determine next steps.

Due by May 5

  • Candidate performs data analysis including calculations and graphing

Due by May 19

  • Prepare detailed outline with  intext citations referring to data analysis and research
  • Focus on results of the experiment, analysis of data and research
  • Consider real world (and future) applications for the experiment and research

May 27

  • Timed writing of the EE rough draft in TOK

Students who fall behind will be required to sign a summer EE contract.
Parents will receive notification of progress


It is recommended that students attend at least 1 of the summer workshop days.

  • June 12 & 13 (more information to come)


Ultimate goal: upload a complete, polished draft of the extended essay in Turnitin

  • Draft must include: in-text citations, a works cited page, title page, table of contents, and a clear argument and/or analysis.  
1st  quarter
Senior year
(Aug. - Oct.)

Due Monday, September 15 (school starts on August 18)

  • Candidate uploads a complete, polished rough draft of the extended essay to Turnitin - in Schoology.
  • This draft must include: in-text citations, a works cited page, title page, table of contents, and a clear argument and/or analysis.  Essay must be between 3,500 - 4,000 words.
By mid October
  • Candidate meets with your supervisor for the Rough Draft Conference 
  • Candidate uploads 2nd reflection in Google Classroom
  • Candidate meets with EE coordinator for formatting conference
2nd quarter
Senior year
(Nov. - Dec.)
Due Tuesday November 11
  • Candidate uploads a final draft of the Extended Essay in Turnitin - via Schoology
  • Viva Voce (exit interview) with supervisor and EE coordinator
  • Candidate uploads the 3rd Reflection in Schoology

Extended Essay Guide

Contains subject guidelines

Extended Essay Rubric


Lancer Time Workshops

  • Jan. 31
  • Feb. 25
  • Mar. 5
  • Mar. 13
  • Mar. 21
  • Apr. 2
  • Apr. 21

June 12 & 13 - more info. to come


Schoology - EE & CAS Class of 2026 for announcements, assignments & due dates

Noodletools for bibliography, notecards & outline
Turnitin (through Schoology) for Extended Essay drafts

Email Ms. Burketo make 1 : 1 appointments:

Profile Photo
Kellie Burke
she/ her/ hers
John R. Lewis High School Library
6540 Franconia Road, Springfield, VA 22150