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Macbeth: 12th Grade English: Elizabethan Theaters

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Shakespeare Research Presentation Assignment

Elizabethan Theaters:

Elizabeth Theaters

Use this list of questions to guide the creation of your PPT slides.  Synthesize the information provided for you on this page to answer the questions.

  • What are the names of some of the Elizabethan Theater?
  • How were the theaters similar/different from the Globe Theater?
  • What cultural changes provided for the "birth of modern theater" in Elizabethan England?

Optional print source

A History of the Elizabethan Theater (book is on the cart)

By Adam Woog

  • Explore Chapter 3: London Theaters

The Theatrical Revolution

Elizabethan Theater overview


Shakespeare's Globe Education:

Helpful websites

Royal Shakespeare Company

MOLA Museum of London Archeology


Works Cited

“Elizabethan London.” Royal Shakespeare Company, Accessed 19 Jan. 2018.

Elizabethan Theater. Narrated by Joyce Sherry, 2014. YouTube, Accessed 22 Jan. 2018.

Evans, Robert C. “London’s Theaters and Theater Companies.” Literature and the Theater in Shakespeare’s Day, Chelsea House, 2012. Bloom’s Literature, Accessed 19 Jan. 2018.

“Fact Sheets: Indoor Theatres.” Shakespeare’s Globe, Shakespeare’s Globe Trust, 2013, Accessed 19 Jan. 2018.

“Fact Sheets: Playhouses.” Shakespeare’s Globe, Shakespeare’s Globe Trust, 2013, Accessed 19 Jan. 2018.

The Theatrical Revolution. Narrated by Simon Schama, BBC Two, 2012. YouTube, Accessed 19 Jan. 2018.

Trehy, Sarah. “Playhouses and Theatres: Setting the Scene.” MOLA (Museum of London Archeology, 23 June 2016, Accessed 19 Jan. 2018.

Woog, Adam. A History of the Elizabethan Theater. San Diego [Calif.], Lucent Books, 2003.