Science Fair ideas for you to search and modify. See what others have done, explore supply lists and examine processes.
Science Friday NPR Program (many topics)
EPA Acid Rain: Background information, data and reports on acid rain
EPA Water Quality : Background information, data and reports on water quality
NASA Salinity: overview, maps and data on ocean salinity
USDA: Erosion: Background information and data on water and wind erosion. The USDA is also a good source for issues related to land use.
"The sustainable management of the environment and natural resources is vital for economic growth and human wellbeing. When managed well, renewable natural resources, watersheds, productive landscapes and seascapes can provide the foundation for sustained inclusive growth, food security and poverty reduction."
World Bank: Sustainable Development
"The three pillars of sustainable development – economic growth, environmental stewardship, social inclusion – carry across all sectors of development, from cities to agriculture, infrastructure, energy development and use, water, and transportation. The question facing countries, cities, corporations, and development organizations today is not whether to embrace sustainable development but how."
The citizen science movement empowers ordinary citizens to contribute to scientific research and discovery. The projects below may offer opportunities that could work for science project.
For all projects, you must consider:
Citizen Science Databases:
Specific Projects: