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Journaling during Covid-19: Discussion Topics


(during a Pandemic)

Discussion Topics

Discussion Topics On Journaling

Consider your journaling, and the role of journaling in our culture (now and in the past).  How does your writing and journaling relate to these ideals:

Journal Icons - Free Download, PNG and SVG
What are qualities that define a journal?

mirror ladyPublic vs Private?

  •  Are some journals for public and some for private use?
  • Is there a spectrum? 
  • Who is the audience for a journal?   For your journal?
  • Does the audience ever change? 

Journals as Historical Artifacts

  • How might journals represent history?
  • How does your journal reflect the times? 
  • Do you think future generations will consider these journals important and relevant?  Why or why not?

Analog vs DigitalPencil Versus Keyboard: What Do We Know About Learning How to ...

  • How do you journal best?  On a device or computer or by hand? 
  • What are the advantages/disadvantages of different formats? 
  • What feels most authentic?

pbcbghrjodmzmqymphnw – Centre communautaire des femmes Sud ...

Self Reflection or World Observations?
  • Consider the spectrum of journal writing.  Does your journal tend toward self reflection or do you focus on your observations of the world?  
  • What can you attribute your preferences to?

Lack of meaning and purpose - MindHealth360Purpose

  • What do you believe is one's purpose for journaling?