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US/VA PBA Spring 2021: Civil Rights Era Artifacts


Civil Rights Primary Source Artifact

Civil Rights Era Artifacts


Step 1: The pre-selected artifacts come from:

  • The database: Smithsonian Primary Sources in US History.
    • **Databases require passwords if you are not on the school wifi
  • The website for the National Museum of African American  History and Culture 
  • The website for Smithsonian Learning Lab

Step 2: Click on the link in the description column to learn more about the artifact.


  • The citation for each of the artifacts is also provided for you in right hand column
  • Copy and paste the citation for the artifact you choose into the Source Citation box provided on the student slide.
Date the artifact was created Civil Rights Artifact Description
1960 Woolworth/s lunch counter from Greensboro, NC

The Woolworth's lunch counter that was the scene of the 1960 Greensboro, North Carolina, civil rights sit-in.




Source citation:

"Greensboro Lunch Counter." Smithsonian Primary Sources in U.S. History, Gale, 2016. Smithsonian Primary Sources in U.S. History, Accessed 8 Apr. 2021.

1962 Check from James Baldwin to the SCLC

Check to SCLC from James Baldwin

A July 25, 1962 check made payable to the Southern Christian Leadership Conference Hall of Fame Dinner Committee from James Baldwin in the amount of $35.00. The check is signed on behalf of Baldwin by his attorney Johnathan W. Lubell and is endorsed on the recto by Alfred Duckett of the SCLC Hall of Fame Dinner Committee.

Source citation:

National Museum of African American History and Culture, Smithsonian Institution. "Smithsonian Learning Lab Resource: Check to SCLC from James Baldwin." Smithsonian Learning Lab. 29 Oct. 2015. Smithsonian Center for Learning and Digital Access. 15 Apr. 2021.


1963 March on Washington Flyer, 1963

A handbill for the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom that took place in Washington, D.C., on August 28, 1963. 










Source Citation:

"March on Washington Handbill." Smithsonian Primary Sources in U.S. History, Gale, 2016. Smithsonian Primary Sources in U.S. History, Accessed 25 Mar. 2021.

1965 Train ticket to Montgomery, AL

Ticket stub for Washington, DC to Montgomery, AL for Selma-Montgomery March





Source citation:

National Museum of African American History and Culture, Smithsonian Institution. "Smithsonian Learning Lab Resource: Ticket stub for Washington, DC to Montgomery, AL for Selma-Montgomery March." Smithsonian Learning Lab. 11 May 2016. Smithsonian Center for Learning and Digital Access. 15 Apr. 2021.


1965 Pen used by Lyndon B. Johnson to sign the Voter Rights Act

Pen used by Lyndon B. Johnson to sign the 1965 Voting Rights Act


Source citation:

National Museum of African American History and Culture, Smithsonian Institution. "Smithsonian Learning Lab Resource: Pen used by Lyndon B. Johnson to sign the 1965 Voting Rights Act." Smithsonian Learning Lab. 10 May 2016. Smithsonian Center for Learning and Digital Access. 15 Apr. 2021.



1972 - 1982 ERA amendment button

ERA (Equal Rights Amendment) button:
In 1972 the Equal Rights Amendment, designed to guarantee protection against sexual discrimination for women under the law, passed both houses of Congress and was sent to the individual states for ratification. Groups on both sides of the issue mobilized to lobby the states for and against passage.


Source citation: 

National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution. "Smithsonian Learning Lab Resource: Pro-ERA Button, 1972-1982." Smithsonian Learning Lab. 31 Oct. 2015. Smithsonian Center for Learning and Digital Access. 15 Apr. 2021.


1973 Handicapped Human Rights

Handicapped Human Rights Pin










Source citation: 

"Handicapped Human Rights Pin." Smithsonian Primary Sources in U.S. History, Gale, 2016. Smithsonian Primary Sources in U.S. History, Accessed 7 Apr. 2021.