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SWANK - teacher training: Home

SWANK k-12 streaming

SWANK is a digital platform to stream films for educational purposes. The following links and information provide departments the training and resources needed to access this new platform. Each teacher must acknowledge your understanding of the terms of use before you can be given the necessary credentials to access SWANK. All the needed information is included below.

Department SWANK Training

Step 1: Training video and slide deck by Stacy Kiggins

Start here. Watch this video for information on what SWANK is, how to use it and how to gain access for you and your students.

These are the slides used in the video. Use them to access links. (Note: some are no longer active, such as the additional video mentioned in slide 5.)

Click here for the list of FCPS licensed content.

SWANK slides
Step 2: Review FCPS Copyright Guidelines and FCPS Regulation 3007.3
Copyright logo FCPS Copyright Guidelines: Information on the use of films and other copyrighted media to support instruction.
Regulations All films must be approved at the school site prior to use according to Regulation 3007.3. Please note page 4 of the regulation for procedures for showing R-rated films.
Step 3: Accessing SWANK

We recommend you do this training together in a department meeting.  The training takes approximately 20 minutes.

After viewing the training video, teachers must acknowledge they understand the terms of the FCPS contract with SWANK and their responsibilities for using SWANK. As a reminder, the following are violations of the FCPS/SWANK contract:

  • Providing students the teacher login credentials to SWANK

  • Using SWANK for large scale entertainment (i.e. club or whole school viewing)

  • Students sharing teachers' assignments with others outside of their class.

  • There is not a blanket, central approval of these films. Use of these films for entertainment or other purposes not covered by Fair Use and copyright law will result in termination of the SWANK contract.

Department chairs: Once the training and this Acknowledgement of Terms form is submitted, contact the librarians. We can provide you with the login information, links and credentials and you can distribute the information to your department.

Mimi Marquet

Kellie Burke

SWANK Help Guides

Access SWANK's digital campus and K-12 documentation. No login is required to access these help guides.

FCPS process for requesting new titles in SWANK

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Mimi Marquet
John R. Lewis High School Library
6540 Franconia Road, Springfield, VA 22150
Social: Twitter Page
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Kellie Burke
she/ her/ hers
John R. Lewis High School Library
6540 Franconia Road, Springfield, VA 22150